1 NY Nana  May 7, 2009 8:14:04pm

How dare he? He is not good enough to lick the shoes of the families of these slain heroes….and should be banned from any funerals, etc.

He is essentially spitting on them. Hussein is truly The Manchurian Candidate.

President and Mrs. Bush must literally be crying.

2 Curt  May 7, 2009 8:25:33pm

And he will balance the budget by dishonoring the honorable…between the first responders and the military, it will become too expensive to let them put their lives on the line.

Who will protect him, when the protectors go Galt?

And 2nd on NYNana’s comment.

3 captdiggs  May 7, 2009 8:41:01pm

But we have a billion dollars for hamas.

4 NY Nana  May 7, 2009 9:03:00pm

re: #2 Curt


I cannot remember any president, in my lifetime (starting in 1938) that could even think of doing this. Even Jimmy Carter the Jew hater and Bubba the draft dodger would not.

There is a special place in hell reserved for Hussein.

The family of a police officer, etc., never knows when they go out the door if they will come home alive, especially because in the Carter-Bubba regimes, we find ourselves today in the greatest financial mess since the Depression, there are fewer police and firemen…and their work is even more dangerous.

I can still picture President Bush, after 9/11, dressed like any man, standing on top of the rubble, speaking to the First Responders, and Mrs. Bush, going to the schools near Ground Zero, privately, and reading to the traumatized children. No cameras, etc., BTW.

Michelle? Designer duds, shoes, $500 sneakers, etc., and a camera crew of hundreds.

5 NY Nana  May 7, 2009 9:04:38pm

re: #3 captdiggs

But we have a billion dollars for hamas.

/Only a billion? Hussein will give them more.

He disgraces our country.

6 Pvt Bin Jammin  May 7, 2009 9:14:50pm

OMG this just makes my blood boil.

7 Pvt Bin Jammin  May 8, 2009 12:24:07am

Yo, Mr. Prez, I’ll buy you a ticket to Las Vegas so you can explain all of this to the widow of Metro Officer James Manor in person.

8 kawfytawk  May 8, 2009 5:39:24am
The program, which pays benefits of more than $300,000 to the survivors of a safety officer killed in the line of duty, received $118 million in 2008.

So why would they tinker with the number? especially drop it to 60 mil?

“Any family member who is eligible for benefits under this program will receive them,” she said. “If the amount of claims surpasses the amount requested, the program will be further funded.”

If that’s the case this is a ruse to get his BS fake budget cuts.

A Justice Department finance spokeswoman told FOX News that the proposed cut is a false statistic because the program requires “mandatory funding,” which means the money is automatically paid to all the families of slain officers.

Looks to me like the families will get what they are due since it has mandatory funding and Obama is playing games to make this go in his so called budget cut column. It’s all smoke and mirrors…but it just goes to show what a heartless SOB Obama is and that he will terrorize any group or individual to get what he wants.

9 kawfytawk  May 8, 2009 6:07:30am

one more thing…I bet if we look closely at this BS 17 billion budget cuts from the 3.4 trillion budget we will find all manner of supposed cuts from programs with mandatory funding….just a dog and pony show from the head snake oil salesman

10 vagabond trader  May 8, 2009 8:14:02am

re: #9 kawfytawk

Bingo! He’s already playing this shell game with firefighters, whose union supported him big time.The Obama opens mouth=lying.

11 kawfytawk  May 8, 2009 8:31:31am

re: #10 vagabond trader

Exactly, and this headline will disappear because the benefits will still be there. What I fear, is that people will grow tired of watching for the “slight of hand” and walk away, throw their hands up and do nothing about it.

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